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Career Testing (Vocational)vocational

Finding the right career fit can be daunting and many emerging adults avoid moving forward with the excuse of not knowing what will be a good fit. By giving insight into interests, preferences, and personality styles, testing will identify specific courses, jobs, internships, and activities that are a good match for a career path.  

Some clients are very bright but do not want to commit to a specific career path. Other clients have difficulty learning and feel that they cannot find a good paying job if they cannot complete a University education. Still, others are introverts and feel they cannot have a successful career since they do not like to interact with others a lot.

Along with a thorough evaluation of aptitudes (strengths and weaknesses), the following assessment tools are used to determine personality style and vocational interests. It is then much clearer what careers would be good for a client:

  • In-Depth Clinical and Personality Interview
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Strong Interest Inventory (Strong)
  • Vocational Preference Indicators (VPI)